Best Mattresses

Health Benefits Of An Organic Mattress vs Standard Retail Mattress

People consider buying a large vehicle as a significant investment. However, buying a good mattress is among the big investments in life. The hard task is to know the best brands for your health and the environment.

Though, sound sleep is the key factor to consider when selecting a mattress. Good sleep allows your body to rest, balances the hormones, and helps you to manage stress. On the other hand, lack of a good sleep can result in increased weight and impaired functioning of the body.

Furthermore, failure to have a decent rest lead to chronic diseases such as heart attack and diabetes. Buy a good mattress and get a good night of sleep!

Conventional mattresses contain harmful chemicals. Manufacturers use petroleum-based polyester, nylon, and polyurethane (PU) foam. Manufacturers treat these mattresses with flame-retardant (FR) chemicals such as silicone, phosphate, and boric acid.

The covering of such mattresses is barrier cloths made from flame-resistant fibers like the melamine and polyvinylidene chloride. Why put your life at risk? Purchase an organic mattress today and promote your health.

Buying a good mattress

Why Should You use Organic Mattresses?

Switching to organic mattresses comes with a load of benefits. Some of the obvious benefits include:

  • A comfortable sleep because of the better sleeping posture.
  • You avoid coming into contact with harmful toxic material that may cause chronic diseases.
  • They are environmental friendly thus making the surrounding more suitable for living.
  • They reduce sleeping problems such as snoring and sleep apnea.

The primary raw material for organic mattresses is the fabrics from livestock. Therefore, manufacture of these springs helps to promote the agricultural sector.

Organic mattresses are good temperature regulators. As a result, they reduce instances of “hot” nights.

Inorganic mattresses are the primary cause of problems such as allergic reactions because of the perfumes and dyes used. Organic mattresses help to reduce such problems.

Organic mattresses help to reduce health problems such as a pain in neck and body development challenges. Such problems are common when people use poor quality beddings.

Harmful Chemical contained by Inorganic Mattresses

Inorganic mattresses contain toxic chemicals.

Flame Retardants

Manufacturers of mattresses and furniture use flame retardants as a way of preventing frequent domestic fires. For example, producers in most states in the United States use these chemicals following the legalization of their use.

The common flame-retardant used is polyurethane foam. This foam disintegrates into volatile organic compounds that find their way into the air. Therefore, one can easily inhale these compounds while sleeping.

Some of the compounds are very toxic and may result in terrible health problems. Renowned institutions and commissions such as University of Texas Health Science Center and European Commission have found these products to be harmful.

For example, they disintegrate with time once they get into the atmosphere. They cause neurological problems, thyroid, and other problems that have dire `effects on the development of the infants.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is a common ingredient in the manufacture of pesticides. Mattress manufacturers use boric acid to keep away bacteria and pests such as bed bugs.

Since manufacturers use the chemical on the lining of the mattress, it becomes easy for it to find its way into the body. Virginia Mason Medical Center has reported boric acid to be a dangerous chemical, with chronic poisoning.

Boric acid also causes terrible health problems. The acid causes dangerous health conditions among the infants. Some of the conditions include convolution, scorched skin or even a comma. Prolonged exposure to this acid may lead to poor development of the brain.


Formaldehyde is a chemical having an unyielding smell and is common in many building materials and mattresses. People who use conventional mattresses come into contact with small amounts of formaldehyde when they use the inorganic mattresses.

Research carried out by the National Cancer Institute showed that exposure to high levels of formaldehyde leads to irritations in the eyes and nose, queasiness, skin problems as well as coughing.

On the other hand, prolonged exposure to this chemical may result in serious problems such as neurotoxicity sarcoma, toxicity in the liver, and may also damage the lymphatic system.


Antimony is a poor conductor of the head and therefore commonly used as a flame-proof in mattresses. Exposure to antimony results in reproductive system problems such as infertility and miscarriage.

Exposure to higher concentration levels of antimony irritates sense organs such as the skin. It also affects the lungs and the eyes. Long-term exposure may damage the liver and the heart.

Synthetic Latex


Latex is a common product used to manufacture both organic and inorganic mattresses. The product comes from trees and very useful in molding the body to relieve the pressure points. Even though latex is a natural product, its production process makes it harmful to the body.

Dunlop process is commonly used to produce the latex used in mattress manufacture especially the firm mattresses. The method uses carcinogenic VOC’s, left on the bed even after washing. The remnants VOC’s find their way into the air and are harmful to the body.

All mattresses contain some percentage of latex. However, inorganic mattresses have a higher proportion of latex compared to the organic mattresses. Therefore, inorganic mattresses are more dangerous to your body.

Purchase An Organic Mattress

Your good night’s sleep should not be indescribable. As a matter of facts, we spend approximately a third of our lives in bed. The worst of all is the fact that average mattresses contain a combination of toxic chemicals and flame-proof chemicals.

These chemicals cause serious diseases, irritates the skin, and lead to respiratory problems. Do you have a challenge in identifying the best mattress for you? Next time you go to purchase a mattress, look for the organic mattresses listed below.


Keetsa is an eco-friendly and recyclable latex mattress. The materials used in this mattress are non-toxic. They include wool, latex foam, and unbleached cotton, organic fiber from cotton and bamboo blends.

The plastics used to cover this bed are biodegradable, and the packing boxes are also recyclable. The ink used to print the Keetsa boxes is soluble in water. If you are looking for an affordable and health friendly mattress, Keetsa is your best option.

Plushbeds Brand

Plush Beds Brand mattress

Plushbeds is a natural, organic and eco-friendly mattress on the market and found at a very pocket price. This product offers a broad range of organic options.

The beddings also come with a variety of natural bedding toppers as well as pillows. In case you want to get the value of your money back, purchase a Plushbeds mattress.

Nest Brand

Nest brand mattresses are organic and non-toxic. They are exclusively American products. This brand is the only organic mattress brand that combines quality, comfort, and affordability.

The main products used to manufacture these mattresses include organic cotton and mineral wool. The brand is the best for those people with an allergy to latex.

In case you want to forget your nasty experience with the foam mattresses, then you must purchase a nest brand mattress.

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