Sleep Apnea

Can Children Have Sleep Apnea?

Does your child snore or have difficulty in breathing while sleeping? Do he/ she show any other sign of disturbed sleep- tossing and turning in bed, night sweats, lengthy pauses in breathing, or continuing mouth breathing during sleep?

All these, particularly, snoring is a possible signal of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a common, serious condition among children that can make them miss healthy and restful sleep.

According to physicians, 1 to 4 percent of children suffer from sleep apnea, many of them are between 2 and eight years old. If you do not diagnose and treat it in time, then it can cause a heavy toll while they persist. It can lead to behavior, learning, heart, and growth problems. In some rare cases, it can even be life threatening.… Read the rest

Sleep Advice

Tips For Shift Workers To Get Quality Sleep

Ever received a complaint from your wife or kids for not giving them quality time, especially during the weekends? Well, perhaps you are pretty comfortable with your traditional working hours which allow you to spend your free time as you wish. Imagine what your family would do if you were a shift worker?

In a nutshell, the shift workers have several challenges in organizing their schedules and activities. However, that is not the thorn in the flesh. Getting adequate and quality sleep is the biggest problem that these hardworking men and women face. It is not easy to adjust the biological sleep clock, not as you may think.… Read the rest

Sleep Apnea

Questions And Answers About Women And Sleep Apnea

Many people may have experienced sleep apnea at some point in their life time. This is a condition where one experiences one or more pauses in breathing or have shallow breaths while asleep. When such conditions occur, you are likely to move out of a deep sleep into a light sleep, hence the lack of better sleep. For most women, unlike men, they face a great challenge when it comes to the diagnosis with sleep apnea. Here are some facts and possible answers about women and sleep apnea:

For most women, unlike men, they face a great challenge when it comes to the diagnosis with sleep apnea. Here are some facts and possible answers about women and sleep apnea:… Read the rest

Best Mattresses

Choosing The Best Mattress For Side Sleeping

If you are a side sleeper, there is no doubt that you are familiar with the aches and pains often connected with the wrong mattress.

While back sleepers can also experience aches and pains from a bad mattress, these signs are more common with the side sleepers.

Why? Because, as a side sleeper, you have less surface contact with the mattress, which puts more weight on your hips and back than it would if you were a back sleeper.

But don’t try to change your sleeping position just yet. Side sleeping is excellent for you.

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Best Mattresses

Mattresses: Surprising Ways It Affects Your Sleep And Health

 Sleeping is an essential part of any living thing, whether you’re a night owl, an early bird, or a slight amnesiac. As human beings, we spend almost a 1/3 of our lives sleeping and resting, and a lot of it will be on a mattress. So it’s important to make sure you’re sleeping on the right mattresses. We explain further how your mattress can be affecting your sleep and, ultimately your health.

You snooze, you lose

We spend an average of around 20,800 hours on our mattress during its recommended lifespan of 8 years, and so getting a good night’s sleep is essential. However, experts believe we spend just under 1% hitting the snooze button so we can ‘get extra’ sleep. This, in fact, makes us more tired as … Read the rest

Sleep Advice

Essential Oils To Help You Sleep Better

Between the daily work and stress, most of the people today are suffering and struggling with the issues of lack of sleep syndrome. Nothing can compare to having a tranquil sleep and waking up feeling rejuvenated.

Relaxing oils come in handy to help soothe and relax your body to the point of releasing sleep hormones. Depending on your body, oil that soothes someone else to a sweet and peaceful slumber may not proof as effective for you.

So, finding the right essential oils for better sleep is a matter of trial and error till you find one responsive to your body needs. Once you identify the right combination for your body, then you can kiss the sleepless nights, goodbye.

Here are some of the top essential oils that may … Read the rest

Sleep Apnea

Types Of Sleep Apnea And Their Treatment

If you or someone you know has trouble getting some uninterrupted sleep, you may have to study up about certain sleep conditions.  There are varying reasons as to why people suddenly wake up in the middle of their night’s sleep.  This article discusses one of the most common respiratory causes, known as sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder which is the result of frequent breathing pauses. Shallow breathing also counts as sleep apnea, and as long as the person experiencing it does so a few times in one night, the condition has to be taken care of.

The breathing pauses last usually from as short as three to five seconds to as long as several minutes. The brain is forced out of its … Read the rest

Sleep Advice

Most Effective Natural Cures To Help You Sleep Better

Why do you take all those prescriptions that you can hardly swallow and that have side-effects too, when you may be able to try to treat yourself with natural supplements. Scientists have researched and found out that these natural cures and natural remedies may help control blood sugar, cholesterol, and many other ailments.

These natural remedies may have abilities to reduce issues with various diseases or ailments. Let’s have a look at some of the natural remedies that your diet should include.… Read the rest

Sleep Advice

Sleep Deprivation Explained For Teenagers And What To Do?

In 2006, a study was conducted that showed that more than 80% of American high school students were suffering from sleep deprivation. Now 10 years later, the problem is still a massive concern for students, parents, schools and health care providers.

This is not a case of a few students losing an hour here or there; instead, this is a vicious cycle of teens losing hours of sleep every night as they try and catch up on their work, work they missed by being sleep deprived during the day. At its worst, students can find themselves struggling with their school work, which leads to greater stress, insomnia, depression and worse.

Studies have shown a strong link between teenagers sleep deprived and suicidal thoughts.

The longer the pattern continues, the … Read the rest

Best Mattresses

4 Most Popular Mattress Toppers

For those looking to get a better night’s sleep, but don’t have the money in their budget for a brand new state of the art mattress, there is another solution: a Mattress Topper.

Mattress toppers are a comfy padded covering that can be easily fitted on top of the mattress they already have. There are a large variety of mattress toppers on the market today, so this article will serve to help consumers get the information they need before making a decision.

Lots of today’s mattress toppers have water-resistant outer shells, that can protect the topper and mattress from accidental spills. For consumers shopping for toppers for their children’s beds, this could be very important.… Read the rest

Sleep Advice

The Sleep Stopper Habits To Avoid!

There is nothing quite as good and healthy as getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. Healthy sleeping habits are associated with higher levels of happiness and better emotional stability among other benefits. Lack of sleep or in other cases, bad sleep quality is a common problem for many people and it is a problem that if not resolved, can have long lasting effects on their overall health.

However, it is possible to improve the quality of one’s sleep by avoiding certain habits which have been proven to be sleep stoppers.… Read the rest

Sleep Advice

A New Method to Treat Insomnia: Sleep Boot Camp


It is estimated that in the US alone, up to 60 million people suffer from insomnia.

Acute insomnia is the more prevalent type as it affects 30% of the population.

Chronic insomnia on the other hand is a problem that affects 5% of the population.

While most sleep experts and general practitioners prescribe sleeping pills for insomniacs, the pills tend to be powerless against the condition most of the times.

All is not lost though as there is a relatively new non-pill treatment that promises to solve these sleeping difficulties once and for all; Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I).Read the rest

Sleep Apnea

Effective Treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA) is a condition caused by the obstruction of a person’s airways and it’s characterized by constant pauses in breathing while sleeping. This pausing of breathing and than possibly gasping for air can be scary and does cause bad sleep.  You wake up not rested in the morning.

OSA is also associated with an increase in throat muscle relaxation and more effort done by the chest muscles that work harder to pull more air into the lungs.

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea.

Here are the best of them:… Read the rest

Best Mattresses

Best Mattresses for Common Sleep Problems

A good mattress may just be the best sleep aid you can have.

With the right one on your bed, you’ll be able to get a restful night’s sleep every time your head touches the pillow. However, no single product will be able to solve every person’s sleep problems.

You need to look for the mattress that best addresses your individual needs.… Read the rest

Sleep Advice

5 Easy Steps to Sleeping Better Tonight

Current research findings have confirmed way how to sleep better.

Researchers have noted that lack of sleep leads to several alarming body changes like obesity and disease. You may have a hard time getting those precious 8 hours.

The tossing and turning in your sheets stops now, with these 5 easy steps to sleeping better at night.

Step One: Put Away the Checklist

Whatever tasks you have to do brought from the office into your home should be put away.

It is either you finish them up without tiring yourself, or just set them aside for the next day.

Clear your mind of everything you have to do by writing them down and reserving it for tomorrow.

This will help you sleep with fewer worries.

Step Two: Schedule Your Exercise

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Best Mattresses

Selecting A Mattress To Cure Back Pain

Can you believe that we spend almost a third of our lives sleeping?  This is true but what matters most are the types of mattresses that we sleep on.

How do you know that a mattress is good for your back?

If you have chronic back pain, then you should consider purchasing a mattress that has the ability to give your spine enough support.  Such a mattress is important because it enables you to reduce pain on your muscular structures and vertebrae.  Knowing how to sleep better is important for your health and the health of your relatives or even family.… Read the rest